Venc diversos llibres de running en anglès

Venc diversos llibres de running en anglès

23 Nov 2021 08:15 - 23 Nov 2021 13:17 #1 per JosepJaipur (Visitant)
The extra mile, One Woman's Personal Journey to Ultra-Running - Pam Reed, 8 €. One year after her astonishing victory at the Badwater Ultramarathon, Pam Reed again made distance running history when she braved the hottest weather in years--135 degrees--to successfully defend her title. How does this 100-pound mother and stepmother of five muster the endurance and courage for the 28-hour climb from the hottest desert floor on Earth to the shadow of the continental United States' tallest point?

In The Extra Mile we watch this ultramarathon champion seek balance in her life as a wife, mother, athlete, and entrepreneur. With astonishing candor she tells of her 15-year-long battle with anorexia. And she helps us to understand her passion for ultrarunning--to discover how far the human body can be pushed.

Runner's world, The complete book of running - Amby Burfoot, 6 €. The executive editor of the world's most popular running magazine draws on the wisdom of top athletes, trainers, coaches, and writers to compile a practical guide to running for fitness.

Going long. Legends, Oddballs, Comebacks & Adventures. The Best stories from Runner's World - David Willey, 6 € 400 pages. For more than 40 years, Runner's World magazine has been the world's leading authority on running—bringing its readers the latest running advice and some of the most compelling sports narratives ever told. From inspirational stories such as "A Second Life"(the story of Matt Long, the FDNY firefighter who learned to run again after a critical injury) to analytical essays such as "White Men Can't Run" (a look at what puts African runners at the front of the pack), the magazine captivates its readers every month.
Now, for the first time, the editors of Runner's World have gathered these and other powerful tales to give readers a collection of writing that is impossible to put down.
With more than 40 gripping stories, Going Long - edited by David Willey - transcends the sport of running to reach anyone with an appetite for drama, inspiration, and a glimpse into the human condition.

Duel in the sun. Alberto Salazar, Dick Beardsley and America's greatest marathon - John Brant, 6 € 211 pages. The 1982 Boston Marathon was great theater: Two American runners, Alberto Salazar, a celebrated champion, and Dick Beardsley, a gutsy underdog, going at each other for just under 2 hours and 9 minutes. Neither man broke. The race merely came to a thrilling, shattering end, exacting such an enormous toll that neither man ever ran as well again. Beardsley, the most innocent of men, descended into felony drug addiction, and Salazar, the toughest of men, fell prey to depression. Exquisitely written and rich with human drama, John Brant’s Duel in the Sun brilliantly captures the mythic character of the most thrilling American marathon ever run—and the powerful forces of fate that drove these two athletes in the years afterward.

38'21" - Cursa de Can Mercader 2016
1h 24' 04" - Mitja marató Frankfurt 2015
2 h 58' 58" - Marató de Donosti 2015

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25 Nov 2021 23:58 #2 per Dennis Teuling (Associat/da)
Hola josepjaipur,

Doncs, a mi m'encanten els llibres d'aquests ben bons.
Ja tinc el llibre "Duel in the Sun", però els altres llibres sí que m'interessen.

El que no sé si ja tinc el llibre de Amby Burfoot. El que tinc jo es diu "The Runner's guide to the Meaning of Life".

Si no, em quedo els 3, si encara estan disponibles.

Jo sóc de Sant Feliu de Llobregat, no sé de quin poble ets tu?


1500 La Haya - 4:09:78 indoor 1990
10 milles Amsterdam - 0:59:03 1992

10 km  Nassos     '11  -    36:54
Mitja  Tarragona  '15 -  1:24:38
Marató Empúries '18  - 3:03:21

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26 Nov 2021 10:29 #3 per JosepJaipur (Visitant)
Hola Dennis,
És un llibre diferent. Tinc més, per si t'interessen.
Jo sóc a Barcelona, digue'm com fem per contactar.

38'21" - Cursa de Can Mercader 2016
1h 24' 04" - Mitja marató Frankfurt 2015
2 h 58' 58" - Marató de Donosti 2015

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26 Nov 2021 20:07 #4 per Dennis Teuling (Associat/da)
Hola josepJaipur,

Doncs, llavors els 3 llibres, perfecte!
I després ja parlarem dels altres :lol:

Com a mínim vius a prop.


1500 La Haya - 4:09:78 indoor 1990
10 milles Amsterdam - 0:59:03 1992

10 km  Nassos     '11  -    36:54
Mitja  Tarragona  '15 -  1:24:38
Marató Empúries '18  - 3:03:21

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26 Nov 2021 20:47 #5 per JosepJaipur (Visitant)
Hola Dennis,
D'acord, te'ls guardo. Com vols fer per que te'ls doni?

38'21" - Cursa de Can Mercader 2016
1h 24' 04" - Mitja marató Frankfurt 2015
2 h 58' 58" - Marató de Donosti 2015

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27 Nov 2021 11:03 #6 per Dennis Teuling (Associat/da)
Hola JosepJaipur,

Perfecte! El meu mòbil és sis zero nou u vuit sis nou vuit dos.

Si vols, avui podria passar per on vius i els recullo.

Ens veiem!

1500 La Haya - 4:09:78 indoor 1990
10 milles Amsterdam - 0:59:03 1992

10 km  Nassos     '11  -    36:54
Mitja  Tarragona  '15 -  1:24:38
Marató Empúries '18  - 3:03:21

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27 Nov 2021 22:29 #7 per JosepJaipur (Visitant)
Edito amb nous llibres i trec els que ja no estan disponibles:

The extra mile, One Woman's Personal Journey to Ultra-Running - Pam Reed, 8 €. One year after her astonishing victory at the Badwater Ultramarathon, Pam Reed again made distance running history when she braved the hottest weather in years--135 degrees--to successfully defend her title. How does this 100-pound mother and stepmother of five muster the endurance and courage for the 28-hour climb from the hottest desert floor on Earth to the shadow of the continental United States' tallest point?

In The Extra Mile we watch this ultramarathon champion seek balance in her life as a wife, mother, athlete, and entrepreneur. With astonishing candor she tells of her 15-year-long battle with anorexia. And she helps us to understand her passion for ultrarunning--to discover how far the human body can be pushed.

Duel in the sun. Alberto Salazar, Dick Beardsley and America's greatest marathon - John Brant, 6 € 211 pages. The 1982 Boston Marathon was great theater: Two American runners, Alberto Salazar, a celebrated champion, and Dick Beardsley, a gutsy underdog, going at each other for just under 2 hours and 9 minutes. Neither man broke. The race merely came to a thrilling, shattering end, exacting such an enormous toll that neither man ever ran as well again. Beardsley, the most innocent of men, descended into felony drug addiction, and Salazar, the toughest of men, fell prey to depression. Exquisitely written and rich with human drama, John Brant’s Duel in the Sun brilliantly captures the mythic character of the most thrilling American marathon ever run—and the powerful forces of fate that drove these two athletes in the years afterward.

Run! 26.2 Stories of Blisters and Bliss - Dean Karnazes, 10 €. 258 pages. In his follow-up to the best-selling Ultramarathon Man—which Sports Illustrated called "fascinating" and the New York Times said was "full of euphoric highs"—world-renowned ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes chronicles his unbelievable exploits and explorations in gripping detail. Karnazes runs for days on end without rest, across some of the most exotic and inhospitable places on earth, including the Australian outback, Antarctica, and the Tenderloin District of San Francisco. From the downright hilarious to the truly profound, the linked stories in Run! create an unforgettable tableau, providing readers with the ultimate escape and offering a rare glimpse into the mind-set and motivation of an extreme athlete. Karnazes addresses the pain and perseverance and also charts his emotional state as he pushes the edges of human achievement. The tales of the friendships he's cultivated on his many adventures around the world warm the heart and are sure to captivate and inspire readers whether they run great distances, modest distances, or not at all.

50 50. Secrets I learned Running 50 Marathons in 50 Days - and How you Too Can Achieve Super Endurance! - Dean Karnazes, 12 €. 284 pages. This is an account of the amazing things you can achieve when the mind and the body work together. It tells of Karnazes challenge to run 50 marathons in 50 days. The book is also packed with the author's secrets including what to do when you hit a wall, how to adapt quickly to drastic terrain, and much more.

Running for my life. On the extreme road with adventure runner Ray Zahab - Ray Zahab, 5 € 238 pages. In Ray Zahab's world, a comfortable jog is thirty kilometers, a serious marathon is two hundred kilometers in extreme conditions, and an honest test of a man's endurance is running through the Sahara Desert-all of it. Zahab, a thirty-eight-year-old reformed pack-a-day smoker from Chelsea, Quebec, successfully completed that test in February 2007 when he dipped his hands into the Red Sea. It marked the end of a 111-day, 7,000-kilometer marathon across the searing North African desert, from Senegal to Egypt."Running for My Life" is the story of a man's journey from a world of partying and hard living to a world of eco-challenges, epic long-distance races, and championships. As a young man, Ray Zahab almost lost himself to excessive drinking and smoking. Then, on New Year's Day 2000, he caught a glimpse of where his partying would lead him and decided to turn his life around. "Running for My Life" is a brave and bold autobiography that follows Zahab's travels down the roads to destruction and redemption. It is a book that documents one man's passion for challenge, distance, and discovery.

Who dares runs. From four stone overweight, to running 32 marathons in 32 consecutive days around Ireland - Gerry Duffy, 7 € 314 pages. Who Dares, Runs has running as a central theme, but it is about so much more than that pursuit. It is a book about personal development, it is about having the courage to step into life's arena, it is about seizing life and it is about having wonderful ambitions. This book is as much about running as Moby Dick is a book about a Whale. It's a remarkable story of courage and ...more

Ultrarunning. My Story. Personal accounts of 25 ultramarathon events - Mike Bouscaren, 7 € 210 pages. There is nothing complicated about running. It is merely one foot in front of the other, the most basic mode of transportation. Yet run long enough and a transition takes place where running becomes rich with meaning and intuition. It is this road to spiritual insight that Mike Bouscaren pursues by doing races beyond the marathon, where oxygen comes hard, electrolytes deplete, and life is stripped down to real, true, honest, simple meaning.

Run like hell - Matt Beardshall, 10 €. 242 pages. Run like hell is an emotional and lively account, told with Matt Beardshall s customary frankness, humour and a remarkable eye for detail. Matt draws the reader through wet peat bogs and ancient Yorkshire myths, all the way to the dizzy commercial heights of the New York marathon. However, Fate deals his wife a huge blow that impacts on Matt, his running and everything around him. It reveals life itself to be an ultra-marathon. The story is one of hope, determination, motivation and endurance, and the climax is uplifting. Run like hell proves that no matter how fast we are we can never outpace our destinies.

Once a runner - John L. Parker Jr., 6 €. 272 pages. Once a Runner captures the essence of what it means to be a competitive runner; to devote your entire existence to a single-minded pursuit of excellence. It has become one of the most beloved sports novels ever written. Originally self-published in 1978 and sold at road races out of the trunk of the author’s car, reading the book became a rite of passage for many runners, and tattered copies were handed down like sacred texts from generation to generation. Once a Runner is the story of Quenton Cassidy, a collegiate runner at fictional Southeastern University whose lifelong dream is to run a four-minute mile. He is less than a second away when the political and cultural turmoil of the Vietnam War era intrudes into the staid recesses of his school’s athletic department. After he becomes involved in an athletes’ protest, Cassidy is suspended from his track team. Under the tutelage of his friend and mentor, Bruce Denton, a graduate student and former Olympic gold medalist, Cassidy gives up his scholarship, his girlfriend, and possibly his future to withdraw to a monastic retreat in the countryside and begin training for the race of his life: a head-to-head match with the greatest miler in history.

Again to Carthage - Johan L. Parker Jr., 10 €. 358 pages. John L. Parker, Jr.’s first novel, Once a Runner, is the cult novel for runners. Self-published in the late 1970s, and for years sold out of the trunk of the author’s car at running events, it went on to sell over 100,000 copies and achieve legendary status among runners. It perfectly captured the intensity, relentlessness, and sheer lunacy of a serious miler’s life. Kenny Moore of Sports Illustrated—himself an Olympic runner—called it “by far the best fictional portrayal of the world of a serious runner . . . a marvelous description of the way it really is.” For over twenty-five years, fans of Once a Runner have wanted more. Parker has finally written the sequel, which begins in the early 1970s where the previous book left off. The protagonist of the first book, Quenton Cassidy, has lost his best friend and teammate from college, a helicopter gunship pilot who dies a horrific death after crashing in the jungle. Cassidy is plunged into a depressive spiral in which he is forced to re-examine his studiously carefree life as a young, single attorney. Cassidy’s return to the world of competitive running is dramatic and revelatory both to Cassidy himself and to the reader, as is his desperate, all-out attempt to make one last Olympic team.

38'21" - Cursa de Can Mercader 2016
1h 24' 04" - Mitja marató Frankfurt 2015
2 h 58' 58" - Marató de Donosti 2015

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